Tuesday 13 May 2014

Rainbow science details

I think I had posted few details of this quilt at the time of making it but because I a bit lazy to go back and see were the posts are I will just post them again.
I do have about 15 little squares with a theme and the rest are only like this one with flowers .
 This one is about electricity and atomic energy.
 this is a view of the nature
 I love the CI so a bit of DNA , blood cells , prints and so on go well . :)
 My rainbow was intended to cover the light refraction .
 The human body is always a huge subject in the science.
 Bugs , insects and they own life is an infinite domain .
 OK, this have nothing to do with science as is a reproduction of Van Gogh but I love arts a lot
 The magnetic field
 Some geometrical forms will cover maths.
And here is the life under the sea with the famous Nemo
I will be back tomorrow hope with details of the rest of the patches.

Happy crafting all


  1. Thanks for visiting Tuesday Stitchers! Love this crazy quilt, I have never seen one with a science theme and it is spectacular.

  2. I am very taken with these blocks such imagination you have they have worked so well

  3. Thanks girls , This is my first ever quilt done and won me a Jannome sawing machine for quilters to the Irish Quilting Magazin competition .
    All of my family was making fun of me and was thinking I must be mad to send it for a competition but I did and I am glad

  4. Congrats on winning the sewing machine, Renata! Your quilt is super with an unusual theme, but very striking with your colour choices and embellishments.

    1. The colors have not been really choose by me. The competition had as a theme ''science in my quilt '' and they suggested maths shapes but I can't deal with them so I chose to do embroidery . All the quilt is done from recyclable fabric and thread which I inherit from my granny and this is how the colors come to be so bold.
