Tuesday 30 April 2013

Brooch with romanian cord

Did see this little cute flower in the Internet , was in a Chinese site so could not figure out if was a pattern or not but could not take it out my mind.
So I go to action and decide to do a brooch with same flower. I had to draw my own pattern and then to figure out what was the best size tread to use and here it is.
Could very well be used as a decoration to a hair pin too. I think I may actually enjoy doing few more of this and try different size thread. This is done in size 10 Madame Tricotte cotton and a crochet hook size 0.55 mm

Happy crafting all

Saturday 27 April 2013

Book mark

I was thinking to do a nice easy book mark and you think I manage? No , could not help to do more and more on the little strip. Now this book mark can be used maybe as an applique or something else.

I have to get back to my idea of doing a Romanian point lace book mark Simple.

Happy crafting all

Wednesday 17 April 2013

April block

So another month is passing by and I have to say I am really feeling getting older. Soon my lovely daughter Madalina is going in the States for two months.
 Here she is  about two years ago at her Debs with a lovely dress which cost me around $400.00 and she never  ever wear again.
Already I have hearth attacks knowing she is away from home for so long time on her own, with only a friend . Right... maybe would be better to give up on crying my self and do something useful.
I manage to finish in time my April block

The intended lace presented in this block would be the lace type of braid . Romanian Point Lace usually use the single and double braid but in some cases were space are big we can use a very lace braid for fill in spaces.
As you can see in above pic ( which is not brilliant) between the single braids is a laced braid fixed up with herringbone stitch.

Happy crafting all



Sunday 14 April 2013

Pilow case decor

I want to do my samples more funny than usual and so I come with the idea of doing my lace as an applique to a decor pillow case.
I am working in same time to do a book of Romanian Point Lace samples . All the braids (cords) used in the lace are presented in my CQJP 2013 project .

From this two colours of the pillow case I actually set for the brown one. I was thinking the colour is actually showing much nice the lace . Now I prepare another applique for a brown pillow case .
This is more for a child's room but I find it very cute .
I will be back with the finish product .

Happy crafting all


Friday 12 April 2013

Velvet quinn

I find a picture of my first cabochon done successfully and here it is

Looking back I think I had a bit of struggle doing cabochons so I did not insist to much in doing them . Now I think I will give another try in special now I have some nice clay which I intend to use to practice doing some handmade beads

Happy crafting all