Saturday 30 August 2014

Inflorescence updates

After few more weeks of moving the work around the house finally is up in the frame

Hurray !!!!

I am excited to have finish  few of thinks this year . I am terrible at starting thinks and soon as they are finish as embroidery or crochet finish I just leave them and never manage to bring them to a proper end .

As can seen from the step by step have been a good struggle due to the very thin fabric used .
In same time using a total different kinds of beads was give me a lot of grief as the design did not accommodate to well my much longer bugle beads.
Whatever I am OK for the time been with the final result and I am hopping I did not do a disaster from the original design.

The last picture was taken outside in the natural day light and is probably the most near as the real colors .
I am not sure how the colors came out in the pictures as in any of many what I did the background color is nothing like the real one. The fabric used was a very bright green so to make it fade a bit I had stained it with some tea bags .
This is a continuous process of learning and perfecting the process so get back to work for now .

Happy crafting all

Saturday 23 August 2014

''Embroidery Windows '' more updates

Is slow work due to many projects and to the tiredness which looks like catching up with me.
Anyway I manage few pictures of the second motif in my sampler .
Hope they are good in off so I can go on to get a pattern ready at the end of the work .
Started as a simple leaf I think ended as a radish looking think ... lol..
 I am quite happy how the chains rows turn out as they usually make me bored and I am always hurry them . I think I manage to keep the thread to be of same thickness all over which is a challenge with Appleton wool .

 Thanks god to the computers as you can see all the little defects. I would never had seen the missing stitches on the yellow part . Now I had just added them and a new picture will be on the list to do .
I know I need little more work around mu photography skills :) .

Happy crafting all

Monday 18 August 2014

Sampler one " Golden transformation" update

I have promise some time ago to get a picture of the entire sampler but never mange to .
Some time life is getting a bit busy but this weekend manage to catch up with few things so I think is time for you to see the whole think .
In same time manage to finish one and near to the end of second hart for the embroidery guild's bounty for the Knitting and Stitching Show in Dublin.

This is for now as I have to run busy to change the thread in my embroidery machine . OK from time to time I cheat and use an embroidery machine too.
This will be for my next cheat with you

Happy crafting all

Wednesday 13 August 2014


I am a bit upset today but I was thinking maybe I should share with you another little piece of crewel work which I did recently . Embroidery had been finished but as many other thinks is waiting patiently to be done something with .I probably set it in a decorative pillow . Maybe I should actually put it in a frame but I have so many frames around the house I may need a bigger house with more wall space :) .

Here in the picture is not finished actually . And all those blue lines are gone after wash.
Looks pretty OK even if I changed the tread shades like usually I do .

Anyway I did learn a valuable lesson doing this design : never try to switch the beads without taking in consideration the size of the design.
I find the bugle beads are a bit to big for the size of the drawing  and so in the middle have been using smaller bugles (some china stuff) which of course was to small so need lots of improvisation to cover spaces.
Hope to come with an updated picture o this one soon.

Happy crafting all

Tuesday 12 August 2014

''Embroidery Windows '' updates

Not to much progress but as I am not in hurry with this I am happy with how much I had done .
 Here is the edge of my pomegranate . I have ended with three rows of stem stitch and I have used the colours from the centre of it only I had reversed the order.
The leaves I have not been using o many shades of green as they are pretty small .

I have been told I should get my edges sharper . I don't think nature have to be embroidered as a standard and I really find a bit hard to understand what sharp mean.
So please some help will be very appreciated. I really need to get all your opinions and anything is welcome.

Happy crafting

Monday 11 August 2014

''Embroidery Windows ''

I always say please finish what you start and then move on. Do you think I can ? nope ....

I was thinking maybe as a relaxing ways I could start working on my samplers projects .
Yes the samplers for RSN competition.
I will try to be good with this and take so many pictures as they are needed to come out with a pattern at the end .
Here is the picture of the drawing
I have the intention of using wool , cotton floss , some silk and even metal threads .
I will use crewel embroidery , thread paint , gold work techniques and a bit of Elizabethan braids.
So I hope to see this one done by autumn.
I will also use a bit amount of stitches and if anyone will like this will be one of the patterns to  make it on the    shop.
Here are the first few images

The fabric use is the Linen Union which is a bit similar to Twill Linen . I have to say I did use same fabric for my previous Sampler and was very hard on the fingers but this time I had give it a wash and have to say is very nice . Is more soft  but strong so can be stretch well in the frames .
I hope this will work the way I envision it .

Happy crafting all