Wednesday 6 November 2013

Anatomy of a stitch - bullion stitch

This stitch can be tricky at first, but practise will make you a pro in no time. As since it is such a unique stitch, I think it's well worth the effort!

Bring the needle up through the fabric where you want the bullion stitch to attach to.
Push the needle through the fabric about 1/4" away from where you came up. (Do not pull your needle all the way through.) This should be placed where you want the stitch to end. Bring your needle up through your original hole. Again, leave your needle woven in the fabric.

 we wrap thread around a needle  how many times you want so the stitch to have a good lent

Hold the wraps against your fabric with the thumb of one hand, while you gently pull the needle through the wraps and the hole it is in. This is the hardest part of the stitch and something you'll get more comfortable with after some practise. Gently work the thread until the wraps are laying flat on your fabric.

Now you move to the next stitch 

There are some examples of using this beautiful stitch.

Happy crafting all


Monday 28 October 2013

Small thinks

Have no idea what just come over me to crochet like a mad one flowers for hair pins . I just keep going like is no tomorrow and now I actually have nearly a box full with hair pins , bobbins and hair bands

Anyway in top of this manage to do some more work to my Flowercopia ... ha ha ..Yes made up the word and I actually intend to keep it for my final piece

OK I  just realise actually I start and have a good bit done from the basket but just did not manage to do pictures today . I will come soon with more updated pics.

Happy crafting all

Sunday 20 October 2013

Hot newbies

Lovely new beads come out of my working table . Start prepare my self for the Xmas craft fair from end of Nov
 ''Autumn forest'' necklace

 Aquamarine handmade beads with crystals earrings
Dusty pink handmade beads with crystals earrings
 ''Evening cuteness '' necklace
''Touch the rainbow'' bracelets

 ''Autumn forest'' bracelets
 Still have some trouble find a name for this one
 Crystals elegance
 Candy bracelet

 simplicity and beauty
 shamballa bracelet
 crystals and stones

Some of them have a bit of a trouble find a name or description but then I presume I will have few more weeks until I get going .
Hope you have better time naming your creations.

Happy crafting all
Hugs Renata

Friday 11 October 2013

Finished thinks and work in progress

The Flower festival had past and now after about two weeks I still I am all over the place . Seems I am not able to get back on full steam and prepare my self for the next Craft Fair which would be in mid November.
Anyway I had a great feed back from the person which bought my chicken scratch tea towel.

I am actually considering to start to do few more like this in different colours . This actually is a great way of practising stitches and learn new techniques.
My little strawberry pin cushions did not had such success   but you know how people are they may like something this year and they may not.
Now this weekend hope I will get cracking and do some nice thinks.
My work in progress is already started in my head in the form of few necklaces and bracelets so by Sunday hope to have some pictures.

Happy crafting to all

Monday 30 September 2013

St Maelruain's Flower Festival

Last night was back from the Flower Festival at St. Maelruians Church in Tallaght and I have to say I am just a wreck with tiredness.  It was 3 great days and I think the actual Flowers was absolutely amazing. Every single arrangement was talking to you saying a specific story. All in all was a great experience and a think to tell you what a bunch of great people can do for a community where nothing is going on usually , or not with help from the authorities.
Every single flower was sponsored by people from community.
I will let you now to judge some of the flowers

Here is the lovely way to the church where all the bicycles have been painted in some of the sport clubs colors
 then the lovely entrance of the church

 This amazing arrangement represent the retirement times . I would really love my retirement to look so good
 This was the Girls Brigade corner 
 Every single window was decorated with a different colour and was following the months of the year.
 The big wreath if you follow it from right up to left is like birth with buds of the flowers and then full bloom as your life would be at 20-40 years and the start to be drying up at your end of the life
Beautiful idea and very true

And our lovely crafts hall .
Me being busy ....

 On the middle of the hall was this big Photography exhibition.
Happy Crafting All


Saturday 21 September 2013

Wine glass coasters- tutorial

Wine glass coasters

Materials needed:
-           size 10 cotton thread
-          Size 0.50-0.75 crochet hook        
-          Needle (darning needle or any needle which can handle size 10 cotton thread),
-          Optional make another 30cm of the zigzag braid
-          Needle and cloth for the pattern

Start with doing the braid and will be better if you can do even with about 5 cm more than the pattern requested.

First we imprint the pattern in a piece of cotton. The cloth can be any color which will allow you to see clearly the design and the work.
The pattern can be drawn with a single line or two. When you have a single line you need to lay your braid on the top of the line and when there are two lines  lay your braid between the two lines.

Next we will start to do the basting of the braid with a contrasting color.

After all the braid is in you can start sewing in the ends and where the design need to catch together the braids to give shape to the motifs.

Next is the fun part of filling in the needle stitches.
Here you have the finished coaster but if you want, you can add an outside rim to make it more sturdy .


Now your lovely work is ready to be taken off the pattern. It is advisable  to cut the basting thread from the back of the pattern so not to cut the lace by mistake.

These coasters are very lovely in pastel colors for a Easter table or Christmassy colors, matching with the table cloth or napkins.

Now I hope this is an enjoyable tutorial for you all.
Happy crafting all