Tuesday 12 August 2014

''Embroidery Windows '' updates

Not to much progress but as I am not in hurry with this I am happy with how much I had done .
 Here is the edge of my pomegranate . I have ended with three rows of stem stitch and I have used the colours from the centre of it only I had reversed the order.
The leaves I have not been using o many shades of green as they are pretty small .

I have been told I should get my edges sharper . I don't think nature have to be embroidered as a standard and I really find a bit hard to understand what sharp mean.
So please some help will be very appreciated. I really need to get all your opinions and anything is welcome.

Happy crafting


  1. Lovely update! Looks great!

    I think sharp edge embroidery can be achieved when you embroider with a machine. When you do it by hand it's another story. But to me it looks great.

  2. I am not an expert, it looks very beautiful to me!!!

  3. looks very good to me, sorry I do not understand what they mean by sharper

  4. Thanks girls for all your replays. I do not understand my self but I will ask when I go to RSN as they should know been the specialists .....
