Monday 15 June 2015

Port Marmion Trophy

What a great weekend have been the one just passed .
I have been at the embroidery guild scheduled like usual to teach the Romanian point lace .
I had to take with me few embroidered things as in the afternoon I had to go talk to the lovely Rosemary from The Constant Knitter about some workshops .

On my way to the guild I remembered about the Port Marmion annual competition and lo behold find my self submitting 2 of my pieces which I had in my bag.

After I had a hard time in the Royal School of Needlework I decided to relax by working on two small projects in my spare time, creating these two lovely pieces (above).

Well these two pieces actually had shared the Port Marmion Trophy and took me by surprise.
A very big surprise especially for the white one titled 'A Powerscourt Garden' which had been planed as I was sewing and which I completed in just 2 days.
So now I start to feel the pressure to make things better and better .
Another good day was Sunday too as I did try and manage to re-frame the blackwork portrait  trying to give it a more professional look .
Anyway is not 100% but I can say is 99.99%  ..... ha ha

Now looking at the picture I can see a bit of a light shadow between the wooden frame and the black card but I can say for sure when you are looking at the actual picture is not there. 
Well I am very happy with the way it come out so hope you will not try to disappoint me .....ha ha

Happy crafting all


  1. quite right that you won the trophy your embroidery skills are excellent, I so admire all you do

    1. thanks very much Margaret for your appreciation , you are very good to me as always
