Tuesday 15 July 2014

Needle thread painting

Got this lovely books for embroidery from Trish Burr and I had one of them for about a year now , doing nothing .
Now I am struggling with this blackwork embroidery and I was thinking I better relax with something else.
This is the struggling part of my life :)

I never done needle painting but usually anything new is very exciting for me and very relaxing .
So I start a bit of embroidery from the first book I got
And like usually I could not start from the start of the book
I am terrible on start something wherever page  the book is opening at .

Anyway now I have to do something with this two little flowers and I do hope by the weekend to do a needle case or so with them.

Happy crafting all


  1. your blackwork is amazing a wonderful piece. Was looking at the Trish Burr book last week when staying at a friend`s house, it is a great book and think maybe I need it! well want it but these dfys not doing much in the embroidery way, the quilting seems to have taken over

  2. Yes is a great book Margaret and as you did not do any embroidery in the last time as is very hard in my eyes but for the Certificate at RSN I need to do some . So I start to prepare my hand at this again.

  3. That's a fabulous blackwork piece, Renata. I did a little one and found it quite challenging. Love your thread painted flowers!

  4. Thanks very much Susan , I find my self this is very challenging but I will have to get more practice done until I be more happy about .

  5. Hi Renata, Your blackwork portrait is beautiful and very like your pretty model. So hard to get a mouth and eyes right. I think you gave her more of a hint of a smile. I like it. Your needle painting is lovely. I enjoyed those pieces also.
