Saturday 21 September 2013

Wine glass coasters- tutorial

Wine glass coasters

Materials needed:
-           size 10 cotton thread
-          Size 0.50-0.75 crochet hook        
-          Needle (darning needle or any needle which can handle size 10 cotton thread),
-          Optional make another 30cm of the zigzag braid
-          Needle and cloth for the pattern

Start with doing the braid and will be better if you can do even with about 5 cm more than the pattern requested.

First we imprint the pattern in a piece of cotton. The cloth can be any color which will allow you to see clearly the design and the work.
The pattern can be drawn with a single line or two. When you have a single line you need to lay your braid on the top of the line and when there are two lines  lay your braid between the two lines.

Next we will start to do the basting of the braid with a contrasting color.

After all the braid is in you can start sewing in the ends and where the design need to catch together the braids to give shape to the motifs.

Next is the fun part of filling in the needle stitches.
Here you have the finished coaster but if you want, you can add an outside rim to make it more sturdy .


Now your lovely work is ready to be taken off the pattern. It is advisable  to cut the basting thread from the back of the pattern so not to cut the lace by mistake.

These coasters are very lovely in pastel colors for a Easter table or Christmassy colors, matching with the table cloth or napkins.

Now I hope this is an enjoyable tutorial for you all.
Happy crafting all


  1. Il stiam fara snurul dantelat pe margine!Imi place mai mult asa cum l-ai lucrat tu!!!

  2. Multumesc frumos, am luat floricica dintr-un model mai mare. Iau si eu cite o idee de ici de colo si le combin . Daca te uiti pe blog sau pe FB am un mileu alb care l-am facut din diferite bucatele

  3. Wow, super love the pattern technique! It is a very beautiful glass coaster. Would like to try something like this to match mug cozies for winter.
