Monday 21 January 2013

Romanian Point Lace

And finally my table cloth is finish. I started last year, probably around Feb , but did not work just on this project so I am actually very happy to say was finish around end of October.
 and here is a bit of a detail
Another little doily which I have done some time ago would have been this one below where I have inserted a small piece of goblen on the middle . To say the truth I did this insertion because I really did not like the centre of the original design.
Anyway have to work little bit more on my photographic skills , this is a work in progress and in the next 3-4 months I promise will get better.


  1. beautiful work Renata an excellent cloth and doily

  2. Many thanks girls,I hope to get better at pictures and maybe in time I can come out with few paterns

  3. This is so beautiful.
    I have a book on Romanian point lace, but haven't done anything yet. Where does this pattern come from?

  4. Hi Marjolein,This is one of the many pasterns which have been handed to me by my Granny .The little doily is from a book but I change the center piece.
    I will come out soon with some old patterns and some designed by me in my site.Is a project which have to be finish by April13.

  5. Lindo! Adoro esse tipo de bordado. Me visite - - abraços, Algecira

    1. Hi Algecira, thanks for the visit , I like a lot your work too

  6. Beautiful! You've introduced me to a new kind of lace I didn't know about. Your work is wonderful!
