Monday 11 August 2014

''Embroidery Windows ''

I always say please finish what you start and then move on. Do you think I can ? nope ....

I was thinking maybe as a relaxing ways I could start working on my samplers projects .
Yes the samplers for RSN competition.
I will try to be good with this and take so many pictures as they are needed to come out with a pattern at the end .
Here is the picture of the drawing
I have the intention of using wool , cotton floss , some silk and even metal threads .
I will use crewel embroidery , thread paint , gold work techniques and a bit of Elizabethan braids.
So I hope to see this one done by autumn.
I will also use a bit amount of stitches and if anyone will like this will be one of the patterns to  make it on the    shop.
Here are the first few images

The fabric use is the Linen Union which is a bit similar to Twill Linen . I have to say I did use same fabric for my previous Sampler and was very hard on the fingers but this time I had give it a wash and have to say is very nice . Is more soft  but strong so can be stretch well in the frames .
I hope this will work the way I envision it .

Happy crafting all


  1. This project looks gorgeous! Very interesting! I love to work with linen.

  2. your sampler block looks interesting and wait to see the finished piece which I know will be stitched beautifully

  3. Lovely pattern and stitching! Will look forward to seeing more of this design.

  4. That looks wonderful! So rich.
