Thursday, 22 December 2016

Floral mess

Try few times to do this post but been very unsuccessful for the moment  .
I have terrible problems on doing a blog from my tablet . The problem I have is the fact I do pictures with my tablet and then I can't download strait away those pictures on my laptop .
Anyway I manage to start few more projects so at the end of this year I will still have plenty projects unfinished even if this year was a year of things to be finish .
This project below is hopefully going to be made in a pillowcase. I like it a lot as I get to use many of the left over threads from different other projects.
The design is one of mine and is giving me the chance to practise different stitch combinations .

I do hope this project to be ready by 31st and this is going to be a great challenge. Between time of visits and guests coming for dinner, children coming and going back ( Pick ups from airport and drop them back ) will be an achievement to manage to do some sewing .

Anyway hope you all will have a Merry Christmas
Lots of hugs


  1. I cannot do my blog from my tablet so I email photos to my lap top and then write my blog, hope this helps, mind you have not done a blog for a while now. As usual beautiful stitching from you.
    Have a happy Christmas, you will be able to celebrate this year after your health scare last year.

  2. Beautiful stitching. Merry Christmas. I take pics with my phone, or my husband's phone and load them to Dropbox where I can access them from any device. You might want to try it if you don't already use it.
