Saturday 10 May 2014

A brilliant day

Had a great day today .Start in the morning with embroidery guild were I manage to land a job with a presentation next month for the Romanian Point Lace.
Then me and my lovely friend Mildred had to go to Howth were was the annual Craft Competition .
I had to collect all the thinks which had been submitted by my ICA Guild , and there was the big surprise.
Yes is right you see well 3 first prises and a third
Everyone ask me about the gold work and could not believe I did this in 2 hours in  RDS Knitting and stitching show  with RSN .
I have to say I actually was gob smacked of how many prises our guild got all people got something .
A cute display of knighted toys
Chicken scratch display or Gingham embroidery where by chance got lost some crewel work and some quilted pillow which was categorise as blackwork ( the pillow with the sails ). Usually people which submit  the work have to say the category were they compete.

As you can see huge amount of people participating in this competition

The cream of the competition was this beautiful quilt done in a very traditional way

All in all a very good day

Happy crafting all

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on your awards and so well deserved too. Some lovely things you have shared today, thank you for all these photos
