Wednesday 17 April 2013

April block

So another month is passing by and I have to say I am really feeling getting older. Soon my lovely daughter Madalina is going in the States for two months.
 Here she is  about two years ago at her Debs with a lovely dress which cost me around $400.00 and she never  ever wear again.
Already I have hearth attacks knowing she is away from home for so long time on her own, with only a friend . Right... maybe would be better to give up on crying my self and do something useful.
I manage to finish in time my April block

The intended lace presented in this block would be the lace type of braid . Romanian Point Lace usually use the single and double braid but in some cases were space are big we can use a very lace braid for fill in spaces.
As you can see in above pic ( which is not brilliant) between the single braids is a laced braid fixed up with herringbone stitch.

Happy crafting all



1 comment:

  1. don`t worry 2 months will fly past and soon Madalina will be back home with lots of wonderful times to share with you and photos to see.
    Block looks good, the spider is so realistic
